



Install: I completed individual tasks on time and independently.

At first, I am working with my buddy (Abe-san) to complete the installation of three tools (APDD03, APSS03, APOV19) on schedule. Then, 2 tools (APMI03, APOV20), brought in since September, was handled individually without the help of his buddy, and was completed on schedule as well. In particular, since APMI03 had many vendors in charge, I was able to flexibly handle each phase of the project without delays by sending regular emails to share the progress of the installation with everyone involved.

インストール:初めはバディ(安倍さん)と協力して、装置3台(APDD03,APSS03, APOV19)のインストールを予定通りに完了いたしました。そして、9月から搬入された担当の装置(APOV03, APOV20)はバディの助けなしで個人で対応しており、同様にスケジュール通りに完了することができた。特に、APMI03は担当のベンダーが多かったため、インストールの進捗状況を関係者全員に共有するために定期的にメールを送ることで、各フェーズを遅れなく柔軟に対応することができました。

PM(Preventive Maintenance): I was able to complete PM of YED tools PM on schedule. In addition, Lamp and laser replacement times often deviated from the PM schedule, and through close communication with Buddy(Abe-san) and Vendors, we were able to keep track of the PM cycles and keep them on schedule.

PM: YEDツールのPMをスケジュール通りに完了させることができました。また、ランプやレーザーの交換時期がPMのスケジュールとずれることが多かったのですが、バディ(安倍さん)やベンダーと密にコミュニケーションを取ることで、PM周期を把握し、スケジュール通りに進めることができました。

Trouble Shooting:For troubleshooting, we worked together to deal with YED tools, which Abe-san was in charge of. For medium- to long-term ongoing problems, we actively discussed them with the YED team and Vendors. And I worked to improve them as soon as possible by analyzing EDX components, past SPC chart trends, and events conducted with the equipment and other data for discussion and other purposes.

I also attended meetings with vendors whenever possible, taking minutes and discussing future actions and PDCA cycles with my buddy.

トラブルシューティング:トラブルシューティングは、安倍さんが担当するYED toolsの対応を一緒に行いました。中長期的に続いている問題に関しては、YEDチームと積極的に話し合い、EDXの成分分析や過去のSPCチャート傾向、装置で行ったイベントなどを資料にまとめて考察などを行い、早期改善に努めました。ベンダーとの会議にも可能な限り出席し、議事録の作成や今後のアクションやPDCAサイクルをバディと話し合いました。

KPI:I completed my sponsor assignments on time and attended scheduled meetings as much as possible. When I unable to attend, I tried to understand my role as a sponsor by reviewing the materials, recording the meeting video, and talking with the same sponsor.



Install:I have created SOPs for items that are difficult or time-consuming to install, and I share the files with my colleagues and seniors so that they can look back at them when they have problems as well as when they themselves have problems. We plan to do the same for next year’s installations, and we will strive to create an environment in which employees who join us next year can also perform installations smoothly.


PM:I will try to understand what the vendor is doing for each PM items, e.g., parts to be replaced, work to be performed, set values, impact of PM work, and other factors related to equipment availability and alarms. First, I would like to be able to perform PM work by myself with a good understanding of such information, and gradually become able to handle PM in Tools other than YED Tools.

PM:各PM項目でベンダーが何を行っているのか、交換するパーツや作業内容、設定値、PM作業による影響など、装置の稼働率やアラームに関係する要因の把握に努めます。まずは、それらをしっかり理解した上で、PM作業を1人で行えるようになり、徐々にYED tool以外のPMにも徐々に対応できるようになっていきたいです。

Trouble Shooting:To have the ability to determine if vendor’s actions are correct and to be able to make proactive suggestions, the goal is to be able to detect and solve problems early based on events at the equipment, the contents of T/Ss that have been handled, past cases, and alarms, and to be able to respond flexibly to new issue cases.



